Thursday, December 9, 2010

Growing up fast

Tiny has stepped into his 3rd month now. So much has changed. Its almost like I have to get to know him all over again.

His signals are as confusing as he is. Earlier we had figured out which cry was for what, so it was becoming a little simpler. Now he's outsmarted us. He cries the same way for hunger, sleep, stomach pain and God knows what else.  So we take much longer to pacify him and by the time we figure out what it is that is bothering him, he's exhausted himself and the throat goes sore. Its amazing how such a small fellow has so much energy to cry so loudly, for so long and so many times a day.'s exhausting to say the least. There are times when he's so tired because of the endless crying that he just falls asleep..leaving us in tears.

Now, I won't be unfair and talk only about the crying. There's so much more that has changed. He smiles like a toothless angel. it just makes me forget everything else and want to hug him tight! He responds when he is spoken to. He's so much more playful now a days....he's learnt new games and keeps himself entertained when he is not cranky. He can hold his neck straight and steady for a longer while and is easier to carry. He loves to look out of the window. He's grown taller and doesn't fit into my mom's lap also. He follows sounds and objects very keenly. Keeps himself fit and active by practicing cycling, swimming and boxing...if he continues with the same dedication, am sure he'll win a few medals for the country!!!! He has started blowing spit bubbles and makes adorable gurgling sounds. He's developing the most adorable dimples on either side of his mouth, within his smile lines. When i carry him, he digs his face into my shoulder and finds a cozy spot between my neck and shoulder and falls asleep there. He closes his fists in a funny way, with the thumb stuck between the index and middle fingers (notice it in the pic below).

Taken on 26 Nov 2010!

And the best part is that he has started recognizing me!!!! he quietens down when I carry him, turns to look at me when he hears my voice, smiles at me at times. 


  1. spit bubbles!!!!!
    fist with thumbs caught in the middle!!
    cozy nook in your neck!!!
    awwww! and then some more awwww!
