Sunday, November 14, 2010

Children's Day Special!

Today is the first time Tiny celebrated Children's Day..and he did it in style. By stepping out for a LONG drive, all the way to Worli sea face. I was apprehensive about being out of comfort zone for such a long time. It'll interfere with his feeding schedules. What if he gets cranky in between? What if he dirties his diaper? But then, we had to do this some day, so why not today!

So we dressed Tiny up in my favourite clothes - a little white pair of pants which has lots of cars and a white T-shirt (with love from Vivi). Snugly wrapped up in a sunshiney yellow receiving blanket, Tiny was all set to go. We sat in the car and Tiny was overwhelmed with all the sights and sounds. He craned his delicate, shaky neck to look out of the window and take it all in. He kept saying aaaa, oooo, gurgling and blowing spit bubbles...for about 10 minutes. Then he drifted into deeeeeeeeep deep that he woke up only when we returned home 2.5 hours later! :(

So much for his first outing and my plans of clicking pictures of him by the sea! The good thing is that I am now confident of taking him out and the next time S visits us, we plan many more such outings.

This picture is of him in the cute clothes just before we left home. :D

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