Friday, June 7, 2013

Big boy!

Tiny had to wait an extra 10 minutes at school today as we were running late. The moment we reached school, I jumped out of the car and ran to the gate only to find Tiny happily cycling away with 2 other children. The teachers watching them and having a good laugh. He looked like he didn't care much that we were late. In fact, I had carry him out of school forcefully as I had interrupted his cycling race! 

I managed to have a word with his teachers and they seemed so pleased! Am surprised because Last year was dreadful for us...with a complaint almost everyday. Most complaints would be about how aggressive he was or how he chose to sit by himself and not mingle with other children or how he preferred playing outside to staying in class etc etc. 

Initially I used to get worked up and worried myself sick about how to set things right. Then I figured that letting him be and just giving a lot of love and attention may help. So through the holidays we would sit and tell each other stories, go for long walks, play in the park, visit his cousins and have them visit us, get busy in craft and so on. Basically a lot of time together. And it seems to have helped. Now, he seems like a much more secure child.  The teachers said that he's much more gentle with the other children now, sits through class and follows instructions well. 

He's grown up so much in just a few months....My big boy.

Learning for me: given time, lots of love and attention, children will turn out to be just fine. :)


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